I’m a Big Girl Now

Dear Harper,

I really let these letters slip by – the last one I wrote you was in January and here you are already four and school has started.  Junior kindergarten – you were so ready for school and you were very excited.  Of course, you were a little worried – what if I don’t make new friends?  But Harper, that has always been your strong suit.  You go up to kids and parents alike introducing yourself and asking if they want to be friends.  You are a natural at attracting people to you.

And school – you love it!  I knew you would because you are so ready to learn and you are a sponge for learning.  On the first day we all walked you to school – Daddy, me, Pa and Grandma.  Daddy stayed with you for awhile which made going into the building simple.  I picked you up after school the next day and you seemed changed – more grownup.  You had so much to tell me and I was gobbling up all your stories.  You’ve been my sidekick and best friend for a long time.  For the past 3 years we have been together all day every week day except for 2 weeks each year. For September, I booked tonnes of appointments and had lots of weddings and we went to London for Rosh Hashanah.  On Friday of your first week, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how much I missed you even though I had seen you several times and you slept over on Thursday night.  That night you told me that you were a big girl now and wanted grown up not baby songs. I sang you a few and then you said – Bubby, I know I’m a big girl now but I think if you sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, I would fall asleep. You were right. I sang it twice and you were out like a light.

Let’s talk about your 4th birthday.  3 parties!!!!  Your dad with help from Grandma and Pa threw you a big party with family and friends.  That same week,  you and I had a party in the park with our playground friends, plus our good friend, Tamar and Auntie Paula. Tamar gave you two angels.  She said when she bought them a while back, she knew she was buying them for you. When we got home, you immediately took them out and placed them in 2 small pottery bowls that your mother had made.  You didn’t know she had made them but you knew where the angels belonged.  They are still there and whenever we have guests, you show them the angels. 

For food we had party sandwiches and a purple princess chocolate cake.  We went to Metro together to order all the food and choose the cake.  Then we had a car picnic with sushi.  We love a picnic wherever it is.   Auntie Raya also had a cool party when you went to London for a week.  You have to know how much you are loved.

You attended gymnastics every week except for the summer and this summer you went to Sportball every week.  Each week they introduced a different sport and you really enjoyed the whole program.  You’ve also been in swimming lessons.  You started the first session with me in the water with you and then moved up to being in the water on your own.  You start the 3rd level in October.  Swimming is a skill we all think is very important and want you to enjoy.  I hope you will be a lifeguard someday. Daddy and Grandma want you to have good water safety skills for the cottage. 

You spent two weeks in London this summer – a week in July and a week in August.  Auntie Raya picked you up and dropped you off.  She, Ben and Oscar were so excited to have you around and every day was jam packed with activities.  You really love life in London.

The big news this summer was that you and Daddy moved in with Grandma and Pa.  You were a little sad to leave your first home but I knew the adjustment would be easy for you and it really was.  You have a beautiful new room with all your toys and your fabulous wardrobe. You have 3 grownups that you love and love to take care of you.  Now you even have a dog. You are always telling me and anyone who will listen about Murphy.  I love those stories.  You adjust to change easily.  Your new house is a short walk to school  (just a kilometre away),  Your Daddy went to the same school as did your grandparents and walked the same route. 

This summer we spent our time at the beach, going to playgrounds, eating out, shopping and having playdates. Over the spring and winter we’ve been to play centres, indoor art programs, learning resource centres and libraries. We went to the Royal Winter Fair, the Canadian Exhibition, and Gingerbread Lane in the Royal York Hotel. We had a lot of fun. In June, Auntie Raya took us to Niagara Falls for 2 nights with cousin Oscar. We stayed at the Americano Resort Spa and Waterpark and we had a blast.

You had your first plane trip in January.  We went to Florida for a week to visit with Uncle Peter and Auntie Paula.  We had so much fun swimming everyday in one of the pools on the property and a day at the beach.  We ate out most nights and there was live music that you really loved.  You were always up dancing in your many beautiful dresses.  You took to Florida life like you had been going for years.  Your mama loved Florida and we went often when she was a girl to visit Great Bubby.  

The one thing that stands out for me this year is your babies. Oh, Harper, you love them so much and you are such a good mommy. You call them Sweetheart although they each have their own names, you prefer to call them Sweetheart. You teach them, care for them and show them so much love. I am the voice of the babies – “be the voice, Bubby! Be the voice!” And so I do. Making up a story line and asking questions. You will bring them with us in the car. You put them all in seatbelts and sometimes, they will stay there for days with just one or two coming into the house.

Your baby brother, Auston,  is now about one and half years old and you adore him.  You update me on his developments, warning me that he might pull my hair, telling me what he is now eating and you are very ready for him to be older (a real human) and able to talk to you and Jettie (his other sister). You, my sweet princess, have an incredible village of those who love you. You and I – we are blessed.